Monday, December 12, 2011


This image is from an excerpt of The 7 Dumbest Things Students Do When Cramming For Exams. I believe it to be false.

Highlighters are a fantastic tool for studying. I know this because there are a handful of highlighters sitting on my table right now, and clearly, I'm a genius.

Looks like the study nest of a master-mind, eh?

So Dear Luke Mckinney - please retract your statement about my highlighted notes looking like My Little Pony in Drag.

Clearly, they look more like Lisa Frank threw up on my data set.


  1. Are you sending your finished works to me for my refrigerator?

  2. Have you seen the highlighters with the post it flags built right in? They make notes look better than any My Little Pony in Drag or Lisa Frank could...

  3. Love it! And they smell good, too!
